"Construction of an innovative and environmentally friendly coke battery in Częstochowa".
On 04.01.2011, Koksownia Częstochowa Nowa Sp. z o.o. entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Economy for co-financing of the investment entitled "Construction of an innovative and environmentally friendly coking battery in Częstochowa". To implement this project, the Company received funding in the form of a grant from the European Regional Development Fund under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme, Sub-measure 4.5.1, in the amount of PLN 48,060,324.00. The total cost of the investment is PLN 196,568,871.24, including eligible costs of PLN 160,201,080.00.
The project concerned the construction of a rammed system coke battery together with associated facilities in Częstochowa. According to its schedule, the works were carried out over a period of 15 months, i.e. from May 2010 to August 2011. The project involved the application of an innovative technique and technology for the production of coke, which meets Polish and EU environmental standards and requirements, as defined by the IPPC Directive. The restructuring of the coking plant in terms of technical and technological solutions is fully compliant with the requirements of the Best Available Techniques (BAT), published in the document" Best Available Techniques Reference Document on the Production of Iron and Steel" (BREF), Sevilla 2000, which guarantees its high technical level.
In addition, the application of new technology and the expansion of the plant have enabled the creation of more than 150 new jobs.