"Coke oven gas purification installation at the Częstochowa Nowa Coking Plant Sp. z o.o."

"Coke oven gas purification installation at the Częstochowa Nowa Coking Plant Sp. z o.o.".

in 29.08.2013, Koksownia Częstochowa Nowa Sp. z o.o. entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Economy for co-financing of the investment entitled "Coke oven gas purification installation at Koksownia Częstochowa Nowa Sp. z o.o. ". The company received funding in the form of a grant from the European Regional Development Fund under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme, Submeasure 4.5.1, in the amount of PLN 51,372,420.00. The total cost of the investment was PLN 210,626,922.00, including eligible costs of PLN 171,241,400.00. The project concerned the construction of a modern and innovative coke-oven gas purification installation. It was implemented over a period of 2 years, i.e. from September 2013 to September 2015.
