2019-03-04 10:00:00
An extensive investment programme, implemented by Koksownia Częstochowa Nowa Sp. z o.o. in 2009, with the budget of PLN 600 million, has essentially minimised the environmental effect of coke production, ensuring conformity with the major technical and technological standards, consistent with the requirements of the best available techniques (BAT).
The largest and most important investments completed at the coke plant over the last several years include an innovative compact no. 1 coke battery, launched in 2011, and the coke oven gas treatment system completed in 2015. Both projects have been co-financed from the European Union funds. Additionally, in 2017 an innovative Battery no. 4bis was launched, which ended the first, basic stage of the plant modernisation.
Currently performed works include the reconstruction and extension of the coke sorting plant and the construction of a new closed coal storage facility. An overhaul of no. 2 coke battery is also planned.
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